Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereiche Architektur & Design
Peter Behrens School of Arts


Peter Behrens School of Arts / HSD, PBSA, Vortrag, Ausstellung, Ausstellungsarchitektur

Ausstellung Panorama

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Panorama | Drawings of Cities and Territories by Baukuh
08/07/ - 02/08/2024 @PBSA entrance

> Vernissage 09/07/2024 18:00 with drinks in the foyer of PBSA
In the context of the DAAD professorship and celebrating the ongoing involvement in the program of the Civic Design Master, Andrea Zanderigo and Baukuh are extremely happy to exhibit at the PBSA a selection of drawings of cities and territories, made by the office in the course of the last 20 years. This body of work wants to offer glimpses of the implicit connection between analysing, designing, researching and teaching, with the art of drawing as a possible epicentre of them all. In a disciplinary context where Artificial Intelligence is progressively eroding the consciousness and responsibility of the creator (if not increasingly flattening the potential diversity of the outputs), these drawings are the result of a very lengthy and contemplated process. A whole lotta work has gone into the best of them, with mere workforce often replacing technological dexterity.

As Giorgio Grassi used to claim, every project is a judgment about architecture, about the city and about the world. This position was clear to us since the beginning as we later remarked in the title and the editorial of San Rocco no.4, 'Fuck concept! Context!'. How you portray a project, either as an absolute entity lost in space or as a necessary part of a whole, acquires a fundamental importance. This primacy of the context in our way of working and conceiving architecture is mirrored by how context itself becomes a main or the main character in so many of our drawings. In the most extreme ones, the project starts to dissolve into a vast context, to the point of becoming unnoticeable. These drawings are proper panoramas of the built environment and/or the landscape, expansive portraits of cities and territories. During the endless collective drawing sessions which were necessary to produce them, the office was entering a state which we christened axonometric trance. Loud music was a requirement more than a diversion.
